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Monday, June 15, 2009



Set Your Mind First

First of all, as you are hoping to be a military officer of Bangladesh army I will take it for granted that you are not a crying baby. I’ll lay it in front of you just the way it is…no extra glorifications, okay?

The life of a cadet (you will be called a Cadet in the training period) is very hard. Mind it that according to toughness Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA) is at number two position (first one is PMA). So to just survive the two year long training period you have to be strong- yes, of course “physically”, but most importantly- “mentally”. You can be the fittest person of the world but still you will not be able to complete the training if you are mentally weak.

Can you do 200 consecutive push-ups?
Can you do 200 consecutive sit-ups?
Can you run 16 miles in one go?

Maybe a few of you can. But I know for sure that most of you can’t and that’s completely natural. But if you have the proper mind set, you will eventually be able to do it, like all other mentally fit cadets.

So, before you continue to read this blog and peruse your “dream” to be a military officer, you have to be 100% positive. You have to convert this dream of yours into passion (but not obsession). You have to convince yourself that, yes, you can do it and you will do it. Determination is a must. And of course, the rewards are wonderful.

Bangladesh Army or BMA is not a child’s play. It’s hard. So, are you ready to take the challenge? If your answer is “yes” then continue to the second post: Rewards. If your answer is “no” or if you are feeling confused, come back after six months.

So I guess that you have the proper mind set. Now let’s continue.

First of all, if you love a lot of money in your hand, then army is not your dream job. Just like any other government job it pays less “in cash”. But there are thousands of other benefits and privileges which you and your family members can enjoy (much more than any other government job).

1. The honor in serving MY country: I don’t know about you, but whenever I think that a military person has the unique privilege of fighting and dying for its country, my respect for this job increases. The honor of a martyr is immense even in the eyes of the Almighty Allah.

2. Early establishment: Early establishment plays a huge role in choosing this occupation.
Through this profession, one can get the earliest establishment in legal way. Think of it like this, when your friends are just a second year graduate student of some university, you are a first class gadgeted officer. People will come to you to attest their certificates when you are just 20-21!

3. Salary: You will get a basic salary from 6800-23000 tk (excluding all the vatas and bonuses) according to your rank. You will earn 2900 tk each month during your stay at BMA as a cadet. You will not receive any vatas in BMA but you will receive eid bonuses. Moreover you will get a lot of money whenever you will go on a mission.

4. Higher education: All cadets must complete his/her B.Sc. or B.A. degree while they are in BMA. An eligible army officer has the opportunity to get even higher education in BUET, IBA or MIST. You can get a MBA after you join the armed forces. You can also get higher education in abroad (all expenses paid by the army) if you are a deserving candidate.

5. Foreign trip: You can get the chance to visit foreign countries (missions) more than once.

6. Rations: you will get the best rations for free (or for a very very small price).

7. Medical Facilities: you will get the best treatment, when needed, in the CMH or in abroad. Your family members can also enjoy this much needed privilege.

8. Housing: you will be living in a quarter/mess in a beautiful cantonment campus. You can also get a plot/flat in the DOHS for a “little effort”.

9. Man, you will be living your dream, your ambition if you are an army officer. When you will get selected, believe it or not, your parents will cry in joy. Whenever they will introduce you to others, they will feel very proud to be your parents and you will be damn “happy”. And that, my friend, is more than anyone can ever want.

But still if you are not satisfied with the rewards of this noble job, then please, thousands of doors of other occupations are wide open for you. They will pay you a lot more money each month.

The Minimum Requirements

I hope you have read the 1st and 2nd post of this blog and you are completely ready to join the force. Now let’s talk about the minimum requirements for joining the Bangladesh Army as an military officer.

(These requirements are for the long course officers only. Requirements for the short course officers are different)


Both male and female candidates must be from 17-21 years.

Minimum Academic Qualification:

1. You have to pass your H.S.C./Equivalent examination.
2. You have to get at least GPA 3.5 * in both S.S.C. and H.S.C. to apply for this post.
3. You can be from science, commerce or arts/humanities background.
4. You can be from an English medium college, Bangla medium college or Madrasa.

*Note that the army is not looking for double golden A+ students. If you are double golden A+ (great student) it’s obviously good for you and it’s a plus point. But still you might not get the job you don’t meet the other qualities. So, result in the board exams mean very little to the selectors.

Minimum Physical Qualifications:

Male candidates:
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 45.36 Kg
Chest: 30” normal, 32” extended

Female candidates:
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 40.82 Kg
Chest: 28” normal, 30” extended

All candidates must have good eyesight (6/6) (with/without spectacles)*.

Note that, you will be selected for “army” even if you are wearing spectacles of -2.5 power (but not above it). Make sure that you TAKE your glasses with you on the day of your Preliminary Viva and Medical checkup.

Marital Status: You must be unmarried.

You Will Not Get Selected If…

No vital organs must be missing from the body. You can’t have knock knee or flat foot. Your palms and foot must not sweat too much (makes it difficult to climb ropes and fire rifles). You will not be selected if previously you were sacked from a government job. If you appeared in ISSB 2 times and failed, you will not be selected (but if you were rejected once and screened out once, then you can apply for one last time). You will not get selected if you were found guilty (legally) by the judge previously in any case.

I hope this post was helpful to you. Any doubt? Write to me.

Qualities You Must Have
As you are here, I’ll take it for granted that you have the proper determination to join the Bangladesh Army and you fulfill the minimum requirements.

Many may differ to what I have to say about this topic. But I strongly believe that I am right. To my honest opinion, the army is not looking for an “extraordinary” person. They are looking for a person who is “normal”. You will not be able to join the army if you are too good or bad. There are some qualities that one must have to join the army. I am writing them below.

1. Positiveness
2. Honesty
3. Patriotism
4. Strong personality
5. Adequate intelligence
6. Courage
7. Integrity
8. Sacrificing tendency
9. Sense of honor and pride

If you have these 9 qualities and if you can balance them properly, I don’t think that you will have any significant problems getting in the army. If you can balance these qualities then you are (or you will be) a good leader, a good speaker and not a bad person*. Do you have these qualities? If you don’t, please don’t be disheartened. Start practicing them now. Maybe you can develop these qualities. Even if you don’t get commission in the army, these things will make you a better person and that’s worth a try.

BMA Honour Code: A gentleman cadet will never lie, cheat or steal.

The Selection Process
The selection process of an army officer is very sophisticated. But the good thing about it is, there is no fixed number of “seats”. That’s why if you can fulfill the requirements, you will get selected for sure, no matter what. It has four stages or steps. I’m pointing them down in brief.

1. First Step: Preliminary Examination (Preli)

This is the very first process of elimination/selection. Preli has two parts. One is preliminary medical checkup and the other is preliminary viva. This preli shouldn’t be a headache to you. If you fulfill the minimum physical requirements you will pass the preli med checkup. And with a little smartness and good behavior you will also pass the preli viva. About 1/3* applicants will pass this exam. Read more about the Preliminary examination.

2. Second Step: Written Examination

About one third* (sad but true!) of the applicants will pass the preli and qualify for the written exams. There are four subjects in this written exam: Bangla, English, Math, General Knowledge. Each subject is worth 50 numbers and one has to get 20 on each subject to pass the exam. Adequate preparation is needed. About 1200-1500* applicants will pass this exam. Read more about the Written Examination.

3. Third Step: Inter Services Selection Board Examination

After passing the written exams you will be allowed to face the Inter Services Selection Board or ISSB. By far this is the toughest and coolest examination that I know of. You have to stay at ISSB for four days (maximum; if you don’t get screened out the first day) and take part in various tests (IQ, Discussion, Physical, Psychology etc). This exam is designed to “figure you out”. ISSB will decide if you are fit to be an Army Officer or not. About 120-220* applicants Read more about the ISSB Examination.

4. Fourth Step: Final Medical Checkup

This medical checkup is more thorough. Almost everyone (exept some) will pass this exam. About 110-200* applicants will pass this checkup and will be aligible to go to BMA as a Cadet. Wow!!!

If you can pass all this steps/exams, you will be invited to join BMA (Bangladesh Military Academy) and you will have the golden ticket in your hand of becoming an military officer.

Best of luck tiger.

*these numbers are just my own observations. It's not a fact. These numbers are given just to give you an idea. It's not accurate. So I don't bare any responsibility if you are effected by this numbers.

Next I'll discuss thoroughly about: (will be published regularly)

Preliminary Medical Checkup
Preli has two parts: Preli Medical Checkup and Preli Viva.

As I’ve said before, this is the easiest part of the selection process. You should pass this exam easily. But there are some things which you should take under serious consideration.

Preliminary Medical Checkup:
Many people can not pass the preli medical checkup simply because they have knock-knee (knees touch each other when someone stands straight keeping their feet in V shape) or flat foot. Some will also get out because they have hernia or piles. If your hands sweat more than normal you will not get a chance to be in BMA (hands will be checked in the Final Medical Checkup after ISSB).

You can do nothing about piles, flat foot and hernia. If you have these, then I’m sorry to tell you that you are not cut out to be an army officer. Don’t be disheartened.

If you have knock-knee then try to take a tight pillow between your legs/knees whenever you go to sleep. I’ve “heard” that this helps to increase the gap between two knees.

If you have sweaty hands then please consult a doctor now. It’s a serious problem for BMA cadets.

If you are overweight you will not get selected. Please try to control your diet and start working out now. Even if you don’t get selected, remember that health is wealth.

If you wear spectacles, be sure to “bring them with you”. Otherwise you will not get selected.

More than half of the applicants can not pass preli medical checkup because they have the mentioned problems. I hope that you will pass this checkup.

Preliminary Viva
After preliminary medical checkup, comes preli viva. It’s a fun part and most probably the easiest part of the selection process. But still some unfortunate applicants fail to pass this test.

Many people fail this test simply because they are afraid of this viva. Remember that this viva is NOTHING. If you are not a foul or dumb person you will get selected. A lot of people don’t get selected because they are very weak in English. Some get out because they try to be over smart.

Improve your English speaking skills. Try to speak in English with your younger brother and sister. You can also try to practice English infront of the mirror. Whenever you see an interesting thing, make a paragraph in your mind in English about it. Watch English cartoon or movies. Keep an “English to English” dictionary in your room and use it whenever you come across a new word. You don’t have to bother about grammer while speaking. Just make sure that you make the proper use of “he” and “she”…don’t mess it up. It sounds really bad if you say, “My mother is a housewife. HE is so great.” (‘Mother’ is a SHE, not HE). Preli viva can be in both Bangla and English, be prepared.

Wear formal dress. Some applicants go to the viva board wearing a half sleeve T-shirt and sandals. This is a killer mistake. Remember that you are going there for a job interview. You can’t dress up like that. You should wear a full sleeve shirt and a shoe. Don’t forget to tuck you shirt in you pants. Don’t make spikes in your hair. Don’t wear a tie on this day. Remember, first impression is very important.

When entering the room open the door and gently ask something like “May I come in sir?” I mean ask for their permission to get in the room. Don’t forget to Salaam or soothing like that.

Don’t sit on the chair until the sirs (there will be at least 3 respected officers) ask you to sit. Don’t ask for their permission to sit. They will ask you to have a seat whenever they wish to. You have to obey. Don’t forget to thank them for letting you sit down.

Sit straight. Don’t put your hands on the handle of the chair. It’s best to keep your hands over one another. You should cross your legs. By crossing legs I mean that both of your “ankles” should cross (1 payer ankle er upor r 1 payer ankle thakbe). NEVER put one of your legs over other leg’s knee (don’t cross your knees). Write to me if you have any confusion.

Speak in a clear voice and control your temper (and emotions). Don’t smile too much. Smiling a little is good. Look straight at the asker’s eye. Don’t look around while talking.

If you are asked questions in English answer them in English. If you are asked questions in bangle, answer in bangle. No need to be over smart and ruining your dream.

If you don’t know the answer to any of the questions, clearly say that you don’t know that answer. Don’t hesitate. There’s nothing wrong if you don’t know the name of the shortest person in the world. But you should be able to tell name of the capital of Bangladesh. Got my point?

Behave well and be yourself. Don’t be nervous. Give Salaam on your way out.

After everyone’s viva ends the result will be announced immediately.

Best of luck.

Viva Questions: Model
In my opinion this viva is not to judge your knowledge about current affairs, it is to judge your state of mind. So relax and be yourself. "Possibly" the viva board will ask the following questions.

(They may/will ask different /more questions)

Q1. How are you?

Q2. What’s your name and what’s its meaning?

Q3. Describe yourself.

Q4. Describe your family.

Q5. Why do you want to join Bangladesh Army?

Q6. Why not Navy or Air Force?

Q7. Tell us in brief, what do you know about Bangladesh Army?

Q8. Why should we choose you? What qualities do you have? (positive side)

Q9. Criticize yourself. (Your negative/bad sides)

Q10. What is BMA?

Q11. Where is it?

Q12. Where is Bangladesh Naval Academy and Bangladesh Air Force Academy situated?

Q13. Did your parents force you to join Bangladesh Army?

Q14. (If the answer to the Q13 is ‘no’) Do you have your parents’ permission to join the military force?

Q15. You look very soft and innocent. Do you think that you can survive the tough training? Won’t you leave the training in midway?

Q16. Okay gentle-man/lady you may leave now.

More or less these are the preli viva questions. Viva board may also ask some basic general knowledge type questions. They may also ask you to translate a few lines in English or Bangla.

Write the answers to these questions in the comment section or just email me your answers. I’ll read them and point out the mistakes if necessary.

Written Examination: Bangladesh Army
After about one month from the starting of the preliminary Viva exam, the written exams will take place. There are four subjects in this examination- English, Bangla, Mathematics and General Knowledge. Each subject is worth 50 numbers and you will have to get atleast 20 in each subject. You will not pass the exam if you get 45 in one subject and 19 in another. You must get above (or equal to) 20 in these four subjects individually.

Bangla 1 hr
English 1 hr
Break 30 mins (approximate)
Mathematics 1 hr
General Knowledge 30 mins

(There is no syllabus for this exam. Below is just a guideline based on my own experiences and observations. Note that below is the approximate syllabus of just the army written exam. Syllabus for navy or air force is different)

Bangla: paragraph, translation and basic grammer like shondhi, karok, bagdhara, shomash, ek kothay prokash etc.

English: translation, passage, paragraph, preposition, voice change, degree change, sentence changing, correct use of verb, idioms and phrases etc.

Mathematics: basically from class 9-10’s general math. Each math is of 5 marks. If you are weak in geometry you can skip it because there will not be more then 1 question from this part.

General Knowledge: National anthem***, name of the great Bir Sresthos with their ranks***, ranks of army***, abbreviations, capital city, currency, head offices of different organizations and current issues about home and abroad. Reference book: Ajker Bishsho (latest addition)

It’s true that this written exam is not so tough, but many many students fail it because they neglect it. Don’t make this killer mistake. You have to take adequate preparations to pass this exam. There are a lot of guide books available at the market which will help you to prepare.

From my own experiences I can tell that general knowledge is the hardest part to master. You have to spend a lot of time to memorize various names and dates. You have to practice is regularly. By the way, reading the news paper regularly helps a lot in this matter.

Best of luck

The Bir Sreshtho and The Ranks of Army
Name of the Bir Sreshtho s:

1. Lance Naik Munshi Abdur Rouf (East Pakistan Rifles/BDR)
2. Shipahi Mostofa Kamal (Bangladesh Army)
3. Fight Lieutenant Matiur Rahman (Bangladesh Air Force)
4. Lance Naik Nur Mohammad (East Pakistan Rifles/Bangladesh Rifles)
5. Shipahi Hamidur Rahman (Bangladesh Army)
6. Engine-room Artificer, Class-1 Ruhul Amin (Bangladesh Navy)
7. Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir (Bangladesh Army)

Ranks of the army:

Second Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General *
Major General **
Lieutenant General ***
General ****
Field Marshal

ISSB: Inter Services Selection Board
Congratulations to you if you have made it this far. Now you are among some 1000-1500 applicants. But now it gets tough. As I have said before ISSB is one of the coolest and toughest examinations in the country. But it’s a lot fun. So enjoy and behave.

ISSB will decide if you are going to be a future proud officer of Bangladesh Army or not. This whole exam is so scientific that you will not be able to pass it by lying or cheating. You have to be quick, smart, sacrificing, honest and all those “Qualities You Must Have” to pass this examination.

ISSB or inter services selection board exam is of four days. You have to stay at ISSB for maximum four days (if you don’t get out at the first day) and take part in numerous tests and exams which will judge you physical and mental abilities. Below is the approximate routine of these four days in ISSB.

DAY 1:

Reporting at 7:30 am: Don’t be late
IQ Test: Non Verbal, Verbal (follow different guide books)
Result: Those who will fail the IQ test will leave ISSB. (Screened out)

PPDT: Picture Perception and Discussion Test (1st: Perception 2nd: Discussion)
Result: Those who will fail PPDT will be screened out.

Psychology Test:
Completing the incomplete sentence
Word Association Test
Story writing
Writing the incomplete bangla or English story
Self criticism
Memorable incident & bitter experience

Paragraph writing: Bangla & English

DAY 2:

Progressive group task (PGT)
Half Group Task (HGT)
Group discussion in Bangla and English
Individual Obstacle (IO)
Deputy President Viva (DP viva)

DAY 3:

Planning Test: Writing and Discussion
Command Task (CT)
Extempore Speech
Mutual Assessment

DAY 4:

Result of ISSB

You have to be very careful at each and every step of ISSB as you will be constantly monitored- day and night.

ISSB: Day 1
The moment you step inside ISSB, forget everything you have learnt or hoped to see before. ISSB is a whole new world and you have to spend 4 days here and WIN the green card. Best of luck and be aware of what you do at all times.

*Behave well.
*Be serious.
*Stand straight.
*Don’t stand putting pressure on one foot.
*Don’t stand putting your hands on your waist.
*Don’t tie your hands in front of your chest.
*Don’t talk while you are out of your dormitory (level 2 and 3).
*Remember that everyone in the ISSB notes your behavior, including waiters, cooks and staffs.
*Don’t call the staffs “SIR”.
*Look straight at the speakers eyes.
*Don’t move.
*Ask questions only when the staff/officer has finished his speech.
*Talking in the dining room is strictly prohibited.

After you check in ISSB you will be sent to the recreation room where you will temporarily leave your luggage. Then you will be given a chest number and sent to the dining room. While in the dining room eat quickly and don’t talk while you eat.

IQ Test and the First Screening Process:

After that you will be sent to the testing hall about 600 meters away from the dormitory. Don’t talk while you are walking. In the testing hall your IQ test will take place. Before each test a long brief will be given to you. Listen to the brief very carefully. IQ test is very important. You have to practice to pass this test. At first you will be given 38 matrices and you will have to complete it within 22 minutes. Then you will be given 100 IQ questions and the time for this will be around 28 to 30 minutes.

*Use a red sign pen to circle faster.
*Don’t get stuck on one question. Always look for the next one. Always try out the next one.
*Be fast and accurate.

After the exam result will be published within 1 hour. You will be given snacks in the mean time. Those who will fail the IQ test will be SCREENED OUT and send to home after lunch.

PPDT and the Second Screening Process:

Those who will pass the IQ test will sit on the testing hall once again. Now the PPDT (picture perception and description test) exam will take place. Listen to the brief carefully. PPDT is a very important exam. If you can pass this exam you will earn the right to stay 4 days in ISSB. But if you fail it, you will be SCREANED OUT and sent to home after lunch.

PPDT has two parts. One is Story Writing and the other is Discussion. In the story writing test a very hazy/unclear picture will be shown to you for 30 seconds. Then you will start writing the story. The story has 3 sections:

1. Character Identification: in this box you will have to write the number of characters in this section. You have to write AGE, SEX, MODE of each character. The time for this is 30 seconds.

2. Action: in this box you will have to write the action of the story/character in one or two lines. This will indicate the total idea of the things happening in the whole picture. Time for this is 30 seconds.

3. Story: in this section you will have to write a story matching the picture. You will get 180 seconds for this test.

*listen to the brief carefully. Duration of the tests may change. The conducting officer will show you how to write the story.
*stories should be constructive. Try to avoid negative ending.
*it is better to give a title and a moral to the story.
*there must be logic of your story.

After completing the story you will be divided into temporary groups and sent to different huts to discuss the story.

*listen to the brief.
*speak loud and clearly.
*first read out your script thoroughly.
*then show logic behind your story and try to convince others.
*don’t be aggressive.
*don’t criticize others.
*if anyone writes a better story than yours then give credit to him.
*if the conducting officer asks you to come to a conclusion then you must come to a conclusion via discussing with others.
*sit straight.
*don’t look at the officers while discussing.
*speak in English.

After this discussion you will be sent to the dining hall and you will have your lunch. Then you will go to the recreation room and the result of the PPDT will be announced. Those who will be screened out will leave ISSB. And those who will pass it will be allowed to stay at the ISSB for 4 days. Congratulations.

In the tea break you will be given a short bio data form which you will have to fill up. Then you will be divided into groups and sent to different rooms. A group photo will be taken.

Psychology Test:

In the afternoon you will be sent to the testing hall and your psychology test will take place. It is a long test which will take up to 5 hours to finish.

In the word association (sentence making) test you will have to write 80 sentences. You will receive 10 seconds for each sentence. 60 words will be in English and 20 will be in Bangla. These words will be shown to you through a projector. Write positive sentences. Don’t write imperative sentences. Don’t give advice to the teacher writing sentences like “You should not lie”, instead write “lying is a sin”. Don't break the serial. If you miss a word then leave a blank space. Listen to the brief.

Same goes for the sentence completing tent. Don’t write those sentences which reflects your negative/bad mentality.

In the story writing test, write positive stories with a moral and a title. Listen to the brief carefully.

You will have to fill up 2 thorough bio data. You should know about your relatives thoroughly.

You will have to write your positive and negative qualities. You will have to write your most memorable and most bitter experiences. You will have to write 2 paragraphs. So prepare for it.

After the long test is complete, you will be sent to the dining hall. After finishing dinner you will gather in the recreation room. The brief about the next days programs will be given to you.

After everything is over, you will have to go to your room and switch off the lights before the given time (maybe around 10.30 – 11.00 for the first night). Don’t walk in the corridor randomly after the “lights off” time.

ISSB: Day 2
On day 2 the following tests will take place:

Progressive Group Task (PGT)
Half Group Task (HGT)
Group Discussion (Bangla and English)
Individual Obstacle (IO)
Deputy President Viva (DP Viva)

This day will determine your ability to work in a group. This day is very important. Remember that an army officer can never work alone. You will have to work with other officers and definitely with other soldiers. So if you are not able to perform well in a group you will suffer a lot. Not in just the army but also in other sectors this quality is really important.

Progressive Group Task: Your team will be given 4 tasks to do and you will have to do it in 40 minutes. Listen to the instruction thoroughly and carefully. There are some rules of completing these tasks. The GTO sir will tell you those.

*don’t get angry while doing the PGT
*don’t shout unnecessarily.
*speak clearly.
*don’t stand on one foot while standing on the ground.
*don’t put your hands on your waist while on the ground.
*plan before making any moves.
*participate in the planning.
*participate physically.
*it doesn’t matter if you can’t complete all 4 tasks. It’s very difficult to finish all four.

Half Group Task: After completing PGT your group will be divided into two smaller groups and you will perform two different tasks. Listen to the brief attentively. The rules are almost similar to the PGT.

Group Discussion: After HGT all of the group members will be taken to the group hut and group discussion will start. Two discussions will take place there. One is in Bangla and other one is in English.

*speak loud and clearly.
*stop when plane goes over you. Start as soon as the sound fades away.
*sit straight.
*maintain eye contact with your group mates.
*don’t quarrel.
*don’t stop someone in the middle of his speech.
*give everyone chance to speak.

Individual Obstacle: This task will reflect your individual physical stamina and power. You will enjoy this task. Listen to the brief. There will be 8 obstacles with different markings. Total marking will be 50. Time for this will be 2 and a half minute. You will be able to do bonus after you have overcome all of the 8 obstacles in time and have a little time left. You will have to do 10~25 pushups after completing the IO.

*take preparation for this from NOW.
*jog and run everyday.
*practice pull ups and push ups.
*don’t be afraid.
*don’t get stuck on one obstacle if you are not able to do it. Try another one.
*never say “I can’t do it”
*don’t stop giving push ups until your sir asks you to stop.

Deputy President Viva: After IO, you will get almost 20 minutes to get to the dormitory, take shower, get ready and go for the DP viva. Don't be nervous. Don't lie. Don't reveal your darkest side. Sit straight. Talk clearly. DP sir will ask questions based on your psychology test and bio data you filled up earlier. A lot of questions will be regarding your family and relatives. Questions about girlfriend/boyfriend, sex, adult films will be asked. you will have to handle the situation boldly without being nervous. On the viva DP sir will give you some difficult choices. You will have to choose carefully. Be brave. Be ready for the unexpected question.


Unknown said...

Very helpful writing indeed. i am applying for the captain post as instructor in MIST/BMA. I am a Mechanical Engineer. Alhamdulillah my result is good and i am mentally very much positive and strong enough to join BD Army. But i have got knock knee problem. I put a pillow between legs while sleeping. I want to know that,how much this knock knee problem matters in case of this post.
Thanks in advance.

Sadrul said...

If I have a sign of operational cut in my body, do I can apply for BMA long course?

Unknown said...

i have eye problems! my spectacle's power is -3.50 (both eye). but I have physical fitness as I'm a national player of Bangladesh handball and bangladesh volleyball team. I also do have a good education background as I've got Golden on SSC.(HSC pending). And, I also do have a good height of 5'5" Can I still apply?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

very helpful this writing about various information.I am a telecom engineer.I want join as captain post as signal core.so you may write about exam procedure details.

Unknown said...

It was very much helpful brother :D
Thank you for the details :)

Unknown said...

Thanks sir for ur kind information...

Unknown said...

Thanks for useful Information. I wish if I could join Bangladesh Army!!! I have known about this when I am at 22 years. B.N: There is some spelling error due to typing in this site i.e tdaiding, coundry etc. thanks. best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Hey my eye power is -1.25. Besides I have rectum polip can I heal it any way and join army. Cuz its my dream job

Unknown said...

thank you so much for your kind information sir. i have already applied for BMA and already passed the preli medical check up. now i m waiting for the preli viva.
sir, i have the problem of knee knocking. but i have almost 10 days to go in ISSB. what will be its best remedy to get rid of knee knocking??

Ripon Chowdhury said...

really excellent writing. I have comprehended much more information about arm force examination.

nafisa said...

Please brother give me latest update & I also have some question

nafisa said...

I am a female student HSC passed with GPA 4.33 (Bussines studies)
SSC 4.13 (Humanities)
Now I want to intend in (BMA)
But how can I get the oppurtunaty I do not know.Please suggest me brother...

Unknown said...

thanks 😃

Unknown said...

thanks 😃

Anonymous said...

Amar apication form a aktu vul voice...at a kivabe fix korbo ?

Unknown said...

I know bd army searches for the best.but I am not so good at studies. and I don't think I can get an a+ either on ssc or hsc.but it was my dream to join the army since childhood.can I still join the army?

mahmud said...

Amar sainik recruitment e personnel mobile no e akta digit vul hoyeche. Nio what can I do?

Unknown said...

is verycose veins couses any problem to join army..just a little bit..I am fully fit with out this..plz give me the write answer

jamil shams said...

Brother,doesn't bodybuilders can apply for MBA?

Anonymous said...

You can reduce nearsightedness,to learn more visit www.endmyopia.org

Unknown said...

it hurts when bd army gives much priority to the relatives of them in issb... isn't it a type of corruption? I know a person who was so perfect for joining bd army but he got red card just because of this corruption..if u guys want to select your relatives, you should mention this in your circular :)

Unknown said...

Can I join bangladesh army if I complete my graduate in China?

Unknown said...

Can I join bangladesh army if I complete my graduation in China?

Anonymous said...

Vai gym kora boday nibe?

11626 Rafi said...


Unknown said...

Thanks it helped a lot

Tajwriting said...

Best,,, take love brother,,, my all confusion is clear now... Thank you so much